Platinum Monthly Payment

$366.67 AUD For 3 Months

  • TrueCoin Course
  • Access to the Discord
  • Affiliate Program
  • Videos on how to make money doing blogging (I show you how I made over 6 figures doing blogs) 
  • 1 1on1 Call with me (Nathaniel) for 4 weeks. 
  • A PDF of 500 video titles / content Ideas
  • Social Media Audit (I will look over all of your social medias and help you improve your pages to get more sales
  • For One week you will make 60% Commission rather than 50% commission 
  • I will build you a 2-month business plan to help guide you to help you smash Ur goals. 
  • You will also be getting sent a custom made Truecoin Pen with your name on it (and for the first 5 people you will get the pen and another exclusive item) (Only for the first 5 People) 

Platinum OneTime Payment

$1100 AUD


  • TrueCoin Course
  • Access to the Discord
  • Affiliate Program
  • Videos on how to make money doing blogging (I show you how I made over 6 figures doing blogs) 
  • 1 1on1 Call with me (Nathaniel) for 4 weeks. 
  • A PDF of 500 video titles / content Ideas
  • Social Media Audit (I will look over all of your social medias and help you improve your pages to get more sales
  • For One week you will make 60% Commission rather than 50% commission 
  • I will build you a 2-month business plan to help guide you to help you smash Ur goals. 
  • You will also be getting sent a custom made Truecoin Pen with your name on it (and for the first 5 people you will get the pen and another exclusive item) (Only for the first 5 People) 


To save any Confusion, both courses are the exact same, but one allows a monthly payment of $366.67 in case you don't have the money to spend or if you did have the money, you can make a onetime purchase of $1100